Wednesday 3 February 2016

New things

After an eventful last week, everyday seems to be getting better and better..

Last week I completed a Wetlands week display with the help of the other student (Megan) at my reserve, we went to the local library and put the display in their foyer. I saw a bird of prey on my way back to work, and went to collect my pass for the J&B Met which was happening the Saturday.. For that entire week I tried not to get too excited because I was going to attend the Met, but I just could not help it. I then also went to help out at Tablebay Nature Reserve on a reptile survey where we went to several boards that were placed around the reserve to see what reptiles we could find. It however was unsuccessful as we found no reptiles but that could be because these surveys need to be done in Spring time, which is September and October here, when the reptiles are most active.

The Met Pass and the Torti

Saturday, the 30th of January I help set up a display on the racecourse to create awareness about the conservation area that is situated in the middle of the racecourse, we had live snakes, a tortoise, insect collections, a grysbok that was taxidermy and fynbos plants. It was loads of fun spending the day with my friends and educating people about the reserve, but the Highlight of my day was definitely the HORSES. Oh my word, they are just so Majestic.

Julia showing a visitor the snakes
Fynbos display and Tortoise enclosure

Horses, wow. If I can explain how animals and the beauty of what nature makes me feel I would not be able to describe that in words. A goal I have is to do horse riding with my sister.

Race #6

Oh what beauties 
After the race

I also did patrols along the fence of the reserve to ensure people weren't littering, entering the reserve or damaging any property of the reserve. It was really cool seeing how eccentric the people dressed up to the event. 

The 31st of January I did my monthly volunteer shift at the Two Oceans Aquarium, attended a 5th birthday party and then watched The Heart of the Sea. All these years, me, miss nature conservationist did not know that whaling was not only to kill the whales for the meat but also to get the oil from them, neither did I know the story of Moby Dick..

I like this, I love learning new things because you never too old too learn.. :)
Thank you and check in for more posts! 

Xx Bubblesharkgirl 

"When something bad happens you have three choices.. You can let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you."

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