Thursday 12 January 2012

Night at The Chicktays

Rad, Mariam. Me and Meera

Not the same car

Laastnight was soo cool man!! Was with Mariam my niece.. She has gone mad! she wants me to be her bhabi(sister inlaw)! she's set out to marry me to her brother, thats in scotlands navy atm, shes too cute :P .. We went for a Spin in my uncle's car ( honestly don't know anything other than it was a Merc or what type, and all that other finer details a guy like to mention about an awesome cAr), my cousin Waseem was driving.. he went up too 200km(you weren't supposed to know that).. I think that he fancies her, but she will listen to nothing I say lol.. Soo we made a deal She marries my Brother then I'll marry her brother.. but I can't say anything about her marrying my cousin her uncle .. lol I know its soo confusing ... I'm REally Going to miss her When she goes back :( .. I Hope I see her tomorroow!!! ..

Radiya, Mariam,Cousins and brother

P later xx

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