Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Weekend

Me and Mariam
Me, Meera,Mariam,Mom & Rad
The morning I went to go say goodbye to my niece in panarama..I never got to see her whole family, it was just her.Then the afternoon I went to Goudini Spa .The weather was nice it was a light drizzle and cool wind soo it made swimming in those hot pools really nice.. We had Braai'd chicken and mealies for supper .. was soo yum although I only ate the mealies.. I saw some really hot guys in the pools

Me in the hut
It was sooo hot!!! I attempted swimming in the hot pool outside and I couldnt take it, then tried the cold pool but it was too dirty! We went to go complain but nothing happen.. I don't the heck know how those people could actually be in there and still put their face in that water!!Soo I ended up swimming in the indoor pool and after that I went on the Slide, took my little cousin with me ..I ended up scratching my elbow.. We had Boerewors Rolls for lunch.. was soooo Good! then went swimming again.. went to the trampoline, cousin was jumping and I was reading a book. Afterwards we went back up for supper and on our way there we passed a burnt out hut.. My sister wanted to take pictures inside it so at that moment it gladly invited us inside it .. We ended up taking random pictures and poses.. For supper we had braai!! It was nice I suppose and during our meal we watched Aquarmarine.. I never went to swim the night because I was too tired but I went for a walk with my Mom, Dad, Aunty and Brother..

Me, meera,wafeeqa, radiya and Jawwaad

Me reading

Jawwaad and I walking up to the house

Me at the trampolines


We had to be up early because we had to pack everything in the cars because we were leaving :(.. Today the heat was even worse than the day before.. It was bloody 35degrees!!!! After we got that done with alot of effort, we went to go swim for the last time .. Went on the slide untill it closed.. Meanwhile while I was busy enjoying my day My niece was leaving to the airport to go back home to Mumbai.. Had to go buy us suckers because the heat was just killing us!!! Went up to play pool then had to go have lunch.. We had braai and roti .. was delish except the fact that my throat was really sore!! We left pass three and when we got home I was soo tired I just jumped in the cold shower and off to relax in my room!!

I did Nothing!!! Just slept and chilled at home .. I phoned in to find out if I could get in at campus, but the students were striking soo now I have to wait..

I wish I could tell you every last detail about this day but I just can't for the fear of someone I don't want reading this and finding outt .. But What I can tell you is that I went to Canal Walk with My Best Friend Khalida and Her best Friend Nuhaa. We had a gReat time!! Played games, Did some random shopping( both kinds, actual shopping and window shopping) .. we had lunch and Then dessert .. Played Games and pool .. I played Wonderboy, It was fun after a long time.. We played music on the Music box.. Put some Mascara on it was quite cool!!
Later the evening after I got home My friend Afroz Invited me for supper and cake at her house for her birthday .. Niice spending it with her, soo far I've spent her birthday with her every year for the past 4 years :) ..

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