Saturday 21 April 2012


>.. Listening to

So wednesday 11th april Was the day they were supposed to take the brides clothes over to her new house, but instead they didn't because of Badluck, thought that anything can happen :| .. soo they had this other thing happening, the name is a weird Indian thing, where they smear the bride with oils and stuff :? .. I did not go :) .. I was otherwise engaged with two cute little angels, naughty, but cute.. It was my neighbour's birthday so he's wife took him out and I was asked to come over to babysitt the two boys..
ceasar and sabian
So 7pm I went over.. I went inside, start talking to their mother, Shelley and in comes Jason with a dog in his hand -------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes That is the dog he walked in with.. I am terrified of dogs :(.. They had two huskys when they just moved in 11years ago but the one died and the other ran away just after the first child was born.. So they decided it was about time they got a new dog..

After he walks in I just look at him, then at the dog.. I didn't know they had a Dog!! and a Scary black one .. Soo this how the dialogue goes between us about this creature..

Me: " I didnt know you had a dog:? "
Jason: "It's a puppy"
Me: "Am I suppose to babysitt it too?"
Jason: He sees my facial expressions "Don't You like dogs?, He is just in our room the whole time and if he gets up he will just walk to the bathroom and back, he won't bother you"
Me: "I didn't know you had a dog :|, I don't like dogs.. Im scared of them."
Shelley: "but he's just a puppy"
Me: "When did you get it? I don't think I can let it just walk around me."
Jason: "Two weeks ago, he is soo cute and he won't bother you."
Shelley: "You then Loved Lex and Krypto(their huskys)"
Me: "Thats because they were huskys"
Jason: "okay I will put him at the back and fetch him when we get back"
Me: "But is he ganna be okay their??" me all concerned lol
Shelley: "I never knew you didn't like dogs"
Me: "I never did, and Cats.. I'm scared of them, yes they are cute but I don't like them."
Jason: "Okay i'll put him at the back, don't worry.."

Me feeling suuper bad for the small little doggie..

they had to leave, they told me what to do..

The night went well.. they just wanted to watch cars.. okay soo that went easy except they kept running from the tv room to their moms room .. then they were looking for ceasar(the puppy)
, not sure what kind of a dog that is.. We went outside to try to find it but it was dark and the puppy was black:|, noo hope lol.. Viggo was suuuper hyper, he's mom said it was because she gave him a piece of chocolate cake..
Time for bed at 9pm..
I had to wash their faces and feet. Viggo was easy, Sabian not soo much .. he liked playing with his hands in the water.. The moment I put his feet in he started crying.. I put them in bed and off to sleep they went.. I went on fb and watched tv untill they came home..

Then I went home, Got in bed and took the house phone and phoned Remeez till my family came home from the wedding house @ 12 .. I hate being alone at home during the night.. scares mee ..

P.s Almost thee best night ever lol

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know people other than my friends read my blog :).. Im glad uu enjoyed reading it :)
