Friday 13 April 2012

Mendhi ..

.. Jumuah Mubarak and A happy Weekend to everyone :)
I never made Lunch today because we will be going to my cousin's house to eat there. Today is her mendhi, I don't like that stuff, it's Disgusting. I won't wear that on my wedding day :| .. Seeing that I didn't make lunch I went on google and searched Dress up games.. First I played these weird ones with horrible graphics.. but eventually I found this awesome one and I fell inlove with it..
This is one of the Girls I made.. It's more of a Makeover kinda Game .. I did Every single detail :)
This weekend I'll be taking photo's of the days events and then I'll Upload some for you :) after the Wedding is over .. I can't wait :D ..
I'll be wearing a Sari.. It's going to be my first time.. I hope I look right in it.
I've got to get done now, to go through to the wedding house :)
I'll update you soon

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