Saturday 26 May 2012

So My life was put on hold for a long time.. I couldn't blog because of this stoopid Google that changed everything.. but now it looks like I'm going to be back .. I had so many posts to still finish and I will still do it just not right now.. for now I want to post a Poem my very close friend wrote..

The Shade- MIO

She could never escape it
No matter how hard she tried
She could see the dawn of the rise of opportunities
Of freedom, love and pride

She yearned to run
Toward the horizon of her dreams
To abandon the obstacle above who steals her sun
That possibility is an impossibility it seems

Lions of industry lay among her
Enjoying the shield above-her enemy
But they have the choice to walk away
If only she could too-she would find her remedy

"Strange", she thinks, that something so detrimental to her
Bares such artificial fruits
Why, O why has her fate forsaken her?
That all she can bare are roots?

Roots that keep her
From capturing her destiny
To live in this shade
Of devilish artistry

It is a fact that this shade
Is nothing but gloom and doom
She is just a bewitched flower
Seeking the spirited rays of the sun
In order to bloom

By Mohamed Ismail Osman 

I hope you like it cos I do :)
Enjoy your weekend peeps ..

Tuesday 24 April 2012


So I haven't posted again yet because I was busy and also sick :( .. As soon as I get more time and I recover I will post again.. Thanks for the Visit Naiem :), its always good to visit the sick .. Until then
Sweet dreams :)
P.s I miss My Love

Sunday 22 April 2012


>.. Listening to Piya O Re Piya ..<

Thursday.. 12th april .. There was a Prayer thing at the wedding house..
So I went.. Everybody looked very nice :).. I didn't take pictures of this day because I didn't think it was needed.. There is nothing much to tell except my Bloody Aunty made meee soo mad I wanted to and still Want to KILL HER!!!! But be calm and Ignore .. and Thats what I did everynight I saw her and as much as possible..

Have nothing else to say ..
write tomorrow :)
P.s Love you peeps lots :)

Saturday 21 April 2012


>.. Listening to

So wednesday 11th april Was the day they were supposed to take the brides clothes over to her new house, but instead they didn't because of Badluck, thought that anything can happen :| .. soo they had this other thing happening, the name is a weird Indian thing, where they smear the bride with oils and stuff :? .. I did not go :) .. I was otherwise engaged with two cute little angels, naughty, but cute.. It was my neighbour's birthday so he's wife took him out and I was asked to come over to babysitt the two boys..
ceasar and sabian
So 7pm I went over.. I went inside, start talking to their mother, Shelley and in comes Jason with a dog in his hand -------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>

Yes That is the dog he walked in with.. I am terrified of dogs :(.. They had two huskys when they just moved in 11years ago but the one died and the other ran away just after the first child was born.. So they decided it was about time they got a new dog..

After he walks in I just look at him, then at the dog.. I didn't know they had a Dog!! and a Scary black one .. Soo this how the dialogue goes between us about this creature..

Me: " I didnt know you had a dog:? "
Jason: "It's a puppy"
Me: "Am I suppose to babysitt it too?"
Jason: He sees my facial expressions "Don't You like dogs?, He is just in our room the whole time and if he gets up he will just walk to the bathroom and back, he won't bother you"
Me: "I didn't know you had a dog :|, I don't like dogs.. Im scared of them."
Shelley: "but he's just a puppy"
Me: "When did you get it? I don't think I can let it just walk around me."
Jason: "Two weeks ago, he is soo cute and he won't bother you."
Shelley: "You then Loved Lex and Krypto(their huskys)"
Me: "Thats because they were huskys"
Jason: "okay I will put him at the back and fetch him when we get back"
Me: "But is he ganna be okay their??" me all concerned lol
Shelley: "I never knew you didn't like dogs"
Me: "I never did, and Cats.. I'm scared of them, yes they are cute but I don't like them."
Jason: "Okay i'll put him at the back, don't worry.."

Me feeling suuper bad for the small little doggie..

they had to leave, they told me what to do..

The night went well.. they just wanted to watch cars.. okay soo that went easy except they kept running from the tv room to their moms room .. then they were looking for ceasar(the puppy)
, not sure what kind of a dog that is.. We went outside to try to find it but it was dark and the puppy was black:|, noo hope lol.. Viggo was suuuper hyper, he's mom said it was because she gave him a piece of chocolate cake..
Time for bed at 9pm..
I had to wash their faces and feet. Viggo was easy, Sabian not soo much .. he liked playing with his hands in the water.. The moment I put his feet in he started crying.. I put them in bed and off to sleep they went.. I went on fb and watched tv untill they came home..

Then I went home, Got in bed and took the house phone and phoned Remeez till my family came home from the wedding house @ 12 .. I hate being alone at home during the night.. scares mee ..

P.s Almost thee best night ever lol

Friday 20 April 2012


So my Birthday, the 10th of April, Tuesday. Day 2 of the wedding week..
found on google, looked similar to mine

I went with my sister to campus, then met up with muniba and spent the rest of the day with her and Remeez ;) .. well kind of lol .. Then I came home and I invited my moms brother with his wife, children and moms sister to come have some brownies with ice cream. I also told Afroz, Remeez and Khalida to join us. The evening turned into a total disaster.. true story.. Sis made pavlova. That was delicious and so was the brownies I made. Meanwhile at the wedding house all my cousins went there especially because they thought they were going to see me, instead I didn't go which now I realise I should've gone :( .. anyway Pics will be posted soon linked to this post gotta wait for brother to give them to mee ..
snake ring
shark tooth

Remeez bought me the ring and the chain :) ..

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Wedding Madness Week

>.. Listening to Indian songs ..<
Starting from last week monday thats how I will post.. On mOnday the 9th of april. It was my Mothers birthday aswell as my really awesome friend Mohamed Ismail Osman.. It was the start of a very busy week ahead at the wedding house..
I went with my mom to rylands that day, Remeez and Naved came to drop instrumentals for my cousin.. a whole Big issue was made by my other cousin because of that.. I then went to Muniba and spent thee entire day there. We went to hire two movies, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, which turned out to be a brilliant movie, and HouseFull(an Indian One) which turned out to be really dumb! But we ended up having to leave it half way through because...
Later the Night WE were summoned for, We have no Clue what, to the wedding house for supper.. We get there and there is basically no food left.. In the end we ended up being upset with everybody for making us leave for nothing.. We went back to Muniba's house and continued watching the rest of our movie. My dad then came to fetch me and that was the end of that day :)

Monday 16 April 2012

I definitely need this pair of shoes..

Christian Louboutin
The wedding is over.. and everybody is soo tired .. It went suuuper awesome and perfect..
Will start posting and keeping you up to date from tomorrow onwards :)

Friday 13 April 2012

Mendhi ..

.. Jumuah Mubarak and A happy Weekend to everyone :)
I never made Lunch today because we will be going to my cousin's house to eat there. Today is her mendhi, I don't like that stuff, it's Disgusting. I won't wear that on my wedding day :| .. Seeing that I didn't make lunch I went on google and searched Dress up games.. First I played these weird ones with horrible graphics.. but eventually I found this awesome one and I fell inlove with it..
This is one of the Girls I made.. It's more of a Makeover kinda Game .. I did Every single detail :)
This weekend I'll be taking photo's of the days events and then I'll Upload some for you :) after the Wedding is over .. I can't wait :D ..
I'll be wearing a Sari.. It's going to be my first time.. I hope I look right in it.
I've got to get done now, to go through to the wedding house :)
I'll update you soon

Thursday 12 April 2012

What to Do ??

Sooo I have all These posts I want to upload .. but the problem is that all the pictures for the posts are all on either my Fathers phone or my sister's.. and the thing is, We can't seem to find the cable anywhere :? .. Soo now all I have to do is write posts that are Google related lol but thats the hard part.. So Tonight there's a ghatum at my cousins house.. Lastnight I went babysitting.. and the Day before that It was my birthday :) .. I don't want to go tonight but whatever .. To get me through my dull day I'll be eating
I'll be back :)

Friday 6 April 2012

Happy Easter :)

HapPy Easter GUys :) and Jumuah Mubarak :) .. Enjoy the Long weekend
       Ooh see what I found :) a Sexi pair of heels to wear for the weekend lol

I was Suppose To go On our Family's easter camp that happens every year but unfortunately my mother gave birth to some evil creatures before me that decided my plan for the weekend be changed.. So to everybody going away :) esp My friend;), You know who you are.. Drive safely and enjoy the time off :)..
.. My birthday is coming up after the long weekend, soo anybody feel free to visit.. I'll be making these :)
NB!! Chocolate makes the world a better place :)
Gotta go cook now :( Ciao

Thursday 5 April 2012

What I want my wedding day to be

>.. Listening to Adele, Lovesong ..<

So I was thinking about this post and whether I should do it or not.. and So I decided I'm going post it and say what I want on my wedding day.. It's not much, because I'm not someone that likes a fuss about things :| ..

So lets Start at the wedding dress.. I want a White dress or a Pink one and then I want the bead work and lace to be in black :) .. I've always wanted it but My mom says my gran would never allow that so i would have to cut the black out..

For my ring.. a 3 or 5 carat is my dream size diamond and the only time I'll get one of those is in my dream lol
Such a Beauty :)

But then ofcourse thats not what I want.. and neither is it the right design..

I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve rings and the bigger the diamond the better :))))))
My Wedddddddding cupcakes :) and cake :P and sweet pleasures ..
I won't be having a wedding reception so I don't know what the hall would look like .. I don't want to walk down the aisle, it's not my thing.. I don't like attention so all I'll be having is a Nikah :) ..
But iF I do, On a ship, On the sea :)
Oh and I'll be saving my guy loads of money ;) hehe

My guys suit :D By Roberto Cavalli
Either The black exactly the way it is or the blue one but just the colours are changed to Black and Blue :)

I'm soo mixed up in what I like and Want..
My Shoes or sandals ..
I would like this just in a different colour..

and Theeee last Thing but the best ever
My wedding car and The car I will own oneday Inshallah :)
:) Excitedness lol and I must still get a guy to propose to me lol .. I Wish It could be him hehe ..
This is all but a dream.. I must wait to be amazed and shown something different thats meant for me :)
P.s This made me tired.. I'm off to sleep now.. Sweetdreams

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Shoes :D

>.. Listening to an indian song :? ..<
 SHOES!!!! gets you all excited when you see a beautiful pair of them and then a little bit sad because you know you never ganna get them but whatever.. These are the type of shoes I would wear.. I like peep toe shoes and pumps.. So yes my birthday is coming up please feel free to buy me a pair.. lol (^^,)
Christian Louboutin .. a well known shoe designer has awesome shoes.. You can spot a pair of his by the red under sole.. but you do get the al fake o's lol
Platform shoes or sandals are not really my sytle but if the platform is reasonable I'll wear them and the shoe has to look good.. ref. to pics .. My cousins wedding is coming up, I dunno what I'm going to wear and it's a week away..

Christian Louboutin
A louboutin!!! Beautiful. I would wear this


They are soooooper sexy :P
I love these boots


I love these ones .. it's hot!

I like these colours together :)

Some of these tan shoes are nice to wear .. they are an everyday look. Simple and pretty

I need to seriously get me these!!!
I Just love these!!!

Don't you just love shoes :)
P.s I have to go but My next blog will be about how I want my wedding to look like :D.. I just had the Idea now :)
Have a great DAy peeps:)

Sunday 25 March 2012

16th March

>.. I was watching Cbeebies with the little ones :) ..<
It was a friday.. I looked after my neighbours kids for the first time.. They have two sons, Viggo Robert, 2years old and Sabian Troy, 1 year 8months.. They were such pleasant babies to look after. When I got there @ 7:30pm to start their dad had bought them each two new cars, incase they started crying when they left. Viggo was excited about me coming over to look after them. When their parents left, I opened a packet of chips and gave them.. then we played with the cars and watched some cbeebies..
Due to private and personal reasons
this is the only picture I'll be posting of them.. Its my favourite picture because Sabian's sitting and eating with his foot on the table :) Adorable
Sometime During the evening I asked Sabian for a hug and he gave me one.
Note. He is not a loving baby..
I had to take the little one to toilet and then I put them to sleep @ 8:45pm .. The rest of the night Is my secret lol.. Nah I was watching Tv and eating whatever I brought with me..
When Mommy and Daddy came home @ 23:05 , we spoke for a while then I went home across the road.. My brother came over and stayed with me until my parents came home, then he left again to go to my cousin. 
Thats Mee! :)
(^^,) Have a Great Day guys and Girls

Saturday 24 March 2012

Blog Blog

I haven't blogged for a while now.. I was busy studying for my paper that I wrote on thursday so I was all stressed out :| .. the past I dunno how many weeks Have been eventful :).. From tomorrow I'll recap from the day I posted my last blast lol.. Today I am going To a Birthday party, a Walima, a Wedding and a Braai.. jam packed I know..
Me tooo You .. Have an Awesome fun filled weekend Like I'm going to have..

Friday 16 March 2012

Weekend.. Babysitting.. Studying..

>.. Listening to Surah Yaaseen ..<

My baby munchkin and my mom :)
Enjoy the weekend guys and girls :) .. And Jumuah Mubarak as well :)

How about this for weird fashion style :P .. Wore this to my baby's 1st birthday party :)
Now the weekends here and it's friday.. Time to do some babysitting to two adorable cute boys :) and then going to visit the little munchkin on sunday :D
P.s I hope I live to tell the tale tomorrow :{