Sunday 25 March 2012

16th March

>.. I was watching Cbeebies with the little ones :) ..<
It was a friday.. I looked after my neighbours kids for the first time.. They have two sons, Viggo Robert, 2years old and Sabian Troy, 1 year 8months.. They were such pleasant babies to look after. When I got there @ 7:30pm to start their dad had bought them each two new cars, incase they started crying when they left. Viggo was excited about me coming over to look after them. When their parents left, I opened a packet of chips and gave them.. then we played with the cars and watched some cbeebies..
Due to private and personal reasons
this is the only picture I'll be posting of them.. Its my favourite picture because Sabian's sitting and eating with his foot on the table :) Adorable
Sometime During the evening I asked Sabian for a hug and he gave me one.
Note. He is not a loving baby..
I had to take the little one to toilet and then I put them to sleep @ 8:45pm .. The rest of the night Is my secret lol.. Nah I was watching Tv and eating whatever I brought with me..
When Mommy and Daddy came home @ 23:05 , we spoke for a while then I went home across the road.. My brother came over and stayed with me until my parents came home, then he left again to go to my cousin. 
Thats Mee! :)
(^^,) Have a Great Day guys and Girls


  1. haha .. yes I'm alive .. just don't get the time to sit infront of the pc to type a post .. I'm trying :) Mmmmwah I miiiiisssss Youuuu!!
