Sunday 25 March 2012

16th March

>.. I was watching Cbeebies with the little ones :) ..<
It was a friday.. I looked after my neighbours kids for the first time.. They have two sons, Viggo Robert, 2years old and Sabian Troy, 1 year 8months.. They were such pleasant babies to look after. When I got there @ 7:30pm to start their dad had bought them each two new cars, incase they started crying when they left. Viggo was excited about me coming over to look after them. When their parents left, I opened a packet of chips and gave them.. then we played with the cars and watched some cbeebies..
Due to private and personal reasons
this is the only picture I'll be posting of them.. Its my favourite picture because Sabian's sitting and eating with his foot on the table :) Adorable
Sometime During the evening I asked Sabian for a hug and he gave me one.
Note. He is not a loving baby..
I had to take the little one to toilet and then I put them to sleep @ 8:45pm .. The rest of the night Is my secret lol.. Nah I was watching Tv and eating whatever I brought with me..
When Mommy and Daddy came home @ 23:05 , we spoke for a while then I went home across the road.. My brother came over and stayed with me until my parents came home, then he left again to go to my cousin. 
Thats Mee! :)
(^^,) Have a Great Day guys and Girls

Saturday 24 March 2012

Blog Blog

I haven't blogged for a while now.. I was busy studying for my paper that I wrote on thursday so I was all stressed out :| .. the past I dunno how many weeks Have been eventful :).. From tomorrow I'll recap from the day I posted my last blast lol.. Today I am going To a Birthday party, a Walima, a Wedding and a Braai.. jam packed I know..
Me tooo You .. Have an Awesome fun filled weekend Like I'm going to have..

Friday 16 March 2012

Weekend.. Babysitting.. Studying..

>.. Listening to Surah Yaaseen ..<

My baby munchkin and my mom :)
Enjoy the weekend guys and girls :) .. And Jumuah Mubarak as well :)

How about this for weird fashion style :P .. Wore this to my baby's 1st birthday party :)
Now the weekends here and it's friday.. Time to do some babysitting to two adorable cute boys :) and then going to visit the little munchkin on sunday :D
P.s I hope I live to tell the tale tomorrow :{

Thursday 15 March 2012

*..Trial Eye..*

>.. Listening to my Heart Beat :) ..<

 My Cousin Is getting married the 15th April.. So she asked my sister, Meera and Muniba to do the make-up for the girls that are sitting for the wedding.. So two days ago she tried some colours on my eyes to see what would be good to match their dresses .. Here's some pictures of it
It's plain and simple.. Not too outstanding
Maybe a bit more pink?? or more shiny??..What do you think?
That's my eye (^^,)
They going to have a trial run in the holidays so Meera and Muniba can see what they going to do..
I think it look nice.. It's soo sad that make up never suits me.. But I can live without it..
for you goodnight from that awesome lips:)
Now thats some awesome make-up been done :)
P.s I can't wait for the babysitting!!!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

GreY's AnaTomy

The Cast :)
>.. Listening to The Story by Sara Ramirez :) ..< I am dying inside without any new episodes of greys anatomy.. I have previously mentioned it's my favourite tv series..
 My Favourite couple iss Christina Yang and Owen Hunt
Yang and Hunt
I just love their story. although It's getting really sad between them..
She went for an abortion and he won't forgive her and now it seems as if he is having an affair :(
I really hope it's nothing of that sort!

Then My favourite actress in greys iss Calliope Torres (Sara Ramirez)
She is Soo Hot oh My word!! and soo Sexy wow :) .. I love her attitude and roles in the series.. She has a cute baby girl with the other surgeon Arizona Robbins and Mark Sloan, "McSteamy" .. He's the father but Arizona Is Calli's wife.. 
Torres, Sloan & Robbins
These two should get married and have babies lol

These two People I want to be together soo badly, Mark Sloan And Lexi Grey.. Their story is sad.. But I just think they make such a great couple, their chemistry is amazing with each other, even though his in his 40's and she's in her 20's ..

She's Awesome..She's fierce and she doesn't take nonsense.. Nobody messes with her.. I like her aswell
There's noo New episodes out.. I just went on the site now to find but it saddens me to tell you there is nothing new.. Now I have to wait fooor soo Long!! :(
It's in season 8 at the moment and It's probably going to end soon.. but I really hope it doesn't
P.s Chocolate, popcorn and an episode of Grey's will be great now :)

Tuesday 13 March 2012

*.. My Favourite Things ..*

>.. Listening to My Favorite Things ..<
This post is my few selected favourite things :). I'm just brieftly mentioning it now, but they going to have their own post with all their details in :)
My most favourite tv series is Grey's Anatomy!! I Just loveeee it!!! I need new episodes!
I wish I could star in one of thee episodes and kiss Mark Sloan lol (**,)

Then I doo Love them shoes, sandals, heels, boots, flats you name it.. Just not those creepy weird ones..
I would love to own a Christian Louboutin One day :) ..
Beautiful :}

I feel like playing Lips.. I need to visit my cousins

I absolutely LOOOOOOOVe them..
I feel soo complete when I'm wearing one :) My best Friend bought me this really stunning one :)
She's soooo Awesome!!!!

These are Just tigers, I like all the wild cats.. I want to work with these animals, maybe even have one as my pet.. And I don't mind if they decide to turn on mee and kill me ..Will still love them
And now for My favourite of all my favourites

Thee Name's BruCe
I just love them .. They fascinate me.. I want to swim with them.. All different kinds.. just maybe not lemon sharks, their front of their face are abit wierd lol.. too small
And now mY  sister is making me take stitches out of my dads pants ..Its most irritating!

When You have any problem
This is what soothes it! garanteed lol
Ooooh Fooooood!!!!!
Prawns and Crayfish.. Mushrooms and Chicken

and Then ofcourse not forgetting theeee awesome desserts .. I want too learn how to make reallly delicious foods and desserts..I know everyone loves eating but we all have our different likes and dislikes.. I think I'm going to find recipes and try all of them during the course of this year :). Then I'll take pics and post them and tell you how it tasted..  What do you say ??
P.s Sorry For making you lisss for these yummy things.. I too is hungry now

Sunday 11 March 2012

Ice Cream in Seapoint

Jawwaad and Remeez
So the other day on the 19th february .. Yes that day.. a few of us friends and cousins went out after an awesome day at the cricket.. Heres soome pictures.. I know it was long ago but i only found them now
Naeema, her cone and the porsche
Sabiha and Meera

Sunset ?
The Only person missing was Remeez's best Friend Naved cause he was taking the picture.. That day was really good..
Now for a good cause :) My Husband :D
He's gorgeous .. and that cub is adorable
Note. They look extremely irresistable together :)

Friday 9 March 2012

Busy Day

>.. Listening to mom and dad talk ..<
               Oh mY WOrd!!!! My Niece gave birth three days ago and I only fOund out now she was pregnant :| .. I'm an OUMA!! Oh my SaCK!!!! I'm getting Old.. Sad story .. You can Basically say I'll look like that soon (O_o)

Every morning for the past week I've been waking up from these really awesome Dreams :) :)
Last Night my sister made the cake .. this is what it looked like after I was done with it
On the Topic of lastnight, we had muscles for supper and my brother found a baby crab inside the one muscle.. It was rather cute, slightly weird but totally normal.
After I woke up from that awesome dream I had to go make lunch, Munawwar, my sister's friend came to us during her lunch break and had of my Meat curry, she said it tasted Niice :) The picture of it looks kinda creepy but who cares lol and my mom attempted to make it look pretty with the danya

So I said I was going to make a Brownie today and I did :) .. I started making it while Munawwar was here and finished it just in time to chat to my other half :) This is the mixture.. It looks soo yum yum
Soo much chocolate Oh my word .. too bad for my health
Thee Final Product .. It is just as yummy as the first time :) and I'm not just saying it because I made it.

 Everytime I make something that tastes nice, my Aunty tells me I can now get Married.. Lol I keep telling her yaa right but I think after today I can definitely agree, my husband will have food and dessert :) success!.. Oh this same aunty wants to be bridesmaid :| lol

Some Drizzled with Icing sugar :~ (**.)
                 This last one is for Remeez :P
This is how my pasta usually looks, mouth watering and SAUCY :) Sorry I had to make such a crap one when U came to mee.. I will definitely make it up to you :) :)
"OOef" .. looks good
Like my best friend always says lol .. Now I'm off to the party :)
P.s I can't stop Loving youuuuu :)

Thursday 8 March 2012

Two Days Excitement :D

>.. Listening to Cough Syrup ..<
Yesterday Remeez Came to help me with Geography.. He ended up spending theee entire day by mee including lunch and supper :) ..
Today he came again, only today we had to go to my uncles house and look after it while the builders were there.. So our geography session was there. Today was .....!!!!!!! he wasn't there long cause he had to go fetch his mother from the airport.. I came home, watched Pan Am :D :D.. It reminds me of my Love..
Today is My Cousin's Birthday :) Wafeeqa
She will be 8
My sister is making a Cake for her.. and tomorrow they having a small party so I'm going to make chocolate brownie for her :) I really hope it comes out divine like the first time :)
Anyway I've gotta go melt the chocolate ..
P.s I know You also Read my Blog Daily Naiem :) I was just refering to other people I don't know about

Tuesday 6 March 2012

This Post is For My Secret Blog Admirer

>.. Watching Pretty Lil Liars ..<
I'm having mixed emotions about everything .. Lastnight I said something to two people I really shouldn't have said.. I guess I want completely different things that anybody else does.. very seldom people have my wants.. I can feel the ground move as a plane fly's above mee.. It's scary with the noise since I'm not exactly with company.. Okay now I'm talking alot of bull..
To a newly found Awesome friend :)
Hope Your Day Tomorrow is fantastic and I hope This Post makes you Smile from ear to ear for atleast the entire day :) :) .. I wonder how many other people read my posts .. :?
P.s You can comment on my posts if you want :)

Sunday 4 March 2012

Why oh why ??!!

>.. Watching and Listening To stereo hearts by glee ..<
I can Talk.. I love talking.. I open up.. But uu don't open up.. it saddens me :( :( :(
P.s I'm depressed

Saturday 3 March 2012

Muniba's birthday Bash :)

>.. I've gotta pocket, gotta pocket full of sunshine.. I've got a love and I know that its all mine :) ooh wo oh ..<
Lastnight I slept by my cousin Muniba.. I watched this awesome program on animal planet about sharks and their behaviour at Night .. soo My uncle (Muniba's dad), Muniba, Sabiha (Her sister) and myself ended up watching that.. It was fun :)
Lemon Shark
Great White
Tiger Shark
.. Today, On this fine Saturday 3rd of march, I'm happy To say that it is Muniba's Birthday .. She is 19, just a month older than me .. She's having a Birthday party at her house at 2 o'clock .. Right now I've gotta go help her with her Mom with the food for later :) .. Have a Great White Day today guys :)
     P.s I sawwwww My LOve :)