Tuesday 13 March 2012

*.. My Favourite Things ..*

>.. Listening to My Favorite Things ..<
This post is my few selected favourite things :). I'm just brieftly mentioning it now, but they going to have their own post with all their details in :)
My most favourite tv series is Grey's Anatomy!! I Just loveeee it!!! I need new episodes!
I wish I could star in one of thee episodes and kiss Mark Sloan lol (**,)

Then I doo Love them shoes, sandals, heels, boots, flats you name it.. Just not those creepy weird ones..
I would love to own a Christian Louboutin One day :) ..
Beautiful :}

I feel like playing Lips.. I need to visit my cousins

I absolutely LOOOOOOOVe them..
I feel soo complete when I'm wearing one :) My best Friend bought me this really stunning one :)
She's soooo Awesome!!!!

These are Just tigers, I like all the wild cats.. I want to work with these animals, maybe even have one as my pet.. And I don't mind if they decide to turn on mee and kill me ..Will still love them
And now for My favourite of all my favourites

Thee Name's BruCe
I just love them .. They fascinate me.. I want to swim with them.. All different kinds.. just maybe not lemon sharks, their front of their face are abit wierd lol.. too small
And now mY  sister is making me take stitches out of my dads pants ..Its most irritating!

When You have any problem
This is what soothes it! garanteed lol
Ooooh Fooooood!!!!!
Prawns and Crayfish.. Mushrooms and Chicken

and Then ofcourse not forgetting theeee awesome desserts .. I want too learn how to make reallly delicious foods and desserts..I know everyone loves eating but we all have our different likes and dislikes.. I think I'm going to find recipes and try all of them during the course of this year :). Then I'll take pics and post them and tell you how it tasted..  What do you say ??
P.s Sorry For making you lisss for these yummy things.. I too is hungry now

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