Thursday 8 March 2012

Two Days Excitement :D

>.. Listening to Cough Syrup ..<
Yesterday Remeez Came to help me with Geography.. He ended up spending theee entire day by mee including lunch and supper :) ..
Today he came again, only today we had to go to my uncles house and look after it while the builders were there.. So our geography session was there. Today was .....!!!!!!! he wasn't there long cause he had to go fetch his mother from the airport.. I came home, watched Pan Am :D :D.. It reminds me of my Love..
Today is My Cousin's Birthday :) Wafeeqa
She will be 8
My sister is making a Cake for her.. and tomorrow they having a small party so I'm going to make chocolate brownie for her :) I really hope it comes out divine like the first time :)
Anyway I've gotta go melt the chocolate ..
P.s I know You also Read my Blog Daily Naiem :) I was just refering to other people I don't know about

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